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Yes, we deliver. But how will a JAY-K Lumber delivery make your life easier?

  1. We charge less than the big box stores (and almost everyone else). $40 flat fee for any delivery within 50 miles of the store, no matter the size of your load. Period. No extra charges based on weight, and we usually run to Rome and the Valley every day, so if you’re in a hurry, no worries. Anything over 50 miles will be estimated as needed.
  2. We’ll deliver anything you need. From a power drill to a winter’s worth of pellets. Yep, same charge.
  3. We’re faster. We usually deliver the very next business day, six days a week.
  4. We’ll even pick up any material you have left over (standard delivery charge applies). Trust us, your spouse will love this.

Call us at 315-735-4475 to schedule your delivery and get your job done sooner, for less, at your convenience.

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